All UK companies with turnover of £250 million p.a or 250 employees must register by 5th December 2015 and will have to comply. Company-wide reporting and analytics a vital component of compliance. Only 4,000 out of 14,000 effected firms actually registered. Your major customer may soon insist you register and comply
ESOS is new piece of EU legislation which requires member states to introduce a mandatory programme of energy audits for ‘large enterprises’. This means over 9000 of Britain’s biggest companies will be required to comply – with the initial audits to be undertaken by 5th December 2015. As a minimum, large organisations (those with more than 250 employees or a turnover in excess of €50M) will be required to review total energy use from their business operations, including building energy use, transport energy use and industrial processes. You are required to calculate the amount of energy used per employee, and identify potential measures that could save energy.