Analysing internal & external data

Many organisations are so focussed on the challenges of organising internal data that they forget the importance of combining external...

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Law enforcement analytics

Analytics everywhere unleashing value of social media data as well as the wide ranging data available in the justice system and held...

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Formula One an IoT exponent

The racing itself is said to be boring but there is enough excitement in the data centres that travel the circuits to interest those that...

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Disruptive Innovation- a succinct explanation

From Crossing the Chasm onwards we should always review and question the writing of Geoffrey Moore.

Every industry is impacted by this.

We talk so much about disruptive innovation, we sometimes can lose sight of what really matters. The most direct way to say it is: A...…

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Predictive Sales

Butler always a great sources of information on BI, Analytics

and in this case predictive sales solutions. Makes the point that it is not

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Transforming the military

It has become much harder to protect the world's biggest superpower and the same is true for all western and other governments. technical...

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Aravind Eye Care's Vision

Would combining a more flexible approach to delivering healthcare offer the productivity improvements for richer countries to address the...

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Healing better in a complex system

Discuss why healthcare has not been transformed in the way that manufacturing and financial services have.... Healthcare is more complex...

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Democratisation of Analytics

Tom has a mix of sound business experience at the data and analytics extremes of BI and Big Data to which is added a dose of humility...

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Myths & realities of Big Data

Whilst Pramod aims this article at "non-technical" readers it behoves everyone to review this. Too often vendors and suppliers live in...

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Data Science and Big Data

I still prefer the focus on complete data as Big is pretty meaningless. Complete means all the structured and unstructured data that can...

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Monetising the value of IoT

Useful framework to hang your goals, strategy and tactics. As usual the greatest rewards will go to those that focus on the right...

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The Leaky Bucket of Web Analytics

Dean Levitt highlights critical success factor and web analytics and his point is valid for all data and analytics. Data is stupid - it's...

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Big Data and DIY Analytics

Bridging the gap between the promise of self-service BI & Analytics and Big Data. Some good early adopter examples- see the link, and...

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Supply Chain Innovation

The Oil and Gas industry is not the only supply chain model living in the past.The leaders of many back-office functions cling on to...

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The next Phase of BI & Analytics

The next phase is turning Visual Data Discovery Tools and Self-Service BI into enterprise BI tools that deliver the full continuum of BI...

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Sarcasm may help creative thinking

In the lives of data scientists, analysts, forecasters, BI consultants, developers, architects, business managers in fact all personas in...

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Self-Service BI and Analytics

Ask Not What Self-Service Can Do For You, Ask What You Can Do For Self-Service

In today’s ever changing world, we have really revolutionized the concept of self-service in all aspects of our lives. As consumers for...…

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Agrimetrics Big Data & analytics

Analytics & Big Data

key to developing solutions to address global food challenges. As the world moves to a population of 10 billions...

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Insights on superforecasting

When agencies make big mistakes they get neat up in the media. But when they are correct we probably never hear in the media. Insights...

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If the wine is sour , throw it out

The non-discerning may rush in like fools but the best practitioners know they may have to throw out much hard work and start again. This...

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Career Labs exploits Big Data Analytics

Interesting use case including the challenge of combining structured and unstructured data without skewing results

Van Horne says CareerLabs aggregates and analyzes data from employee sentiment surveys on culture, people, management, etc. directed at...…

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Making decisions together is better

The results, says Halevy, showed that regardless of the relationship between decision makers, people generally want to know what decision...

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IOT and Smart Infrastructure- good initiative

Bringing together IOT, Big Data, analytics, enterprise apps, security....

techUK has launched SmarterUK, an initiative for the UK that plans to champion the nation's smart infrastructure development. It will...…

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Field Service & Customer Experience Analytics

The importance of self-service analytics to deliver better customer experiences

These days, most organisations use analytics to a certain extent, even if it’s just a case of doing simple analysis in a spreadsheet. But...…

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US Debt and influence on raising interest rates

Frightening the US debt levels- wonder if financial wizards actually can plan and manage these financial flows?

Back then, China bought US Treasury bonds to keep the currency from rising and eroding the competitiveness of Chinese exporters. As a...…

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Improving UK productivity

Better data-driven decisions and effective execution of those decsions a significant part of the answer together with moving away from...

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