We will see many predictions as 2015 draws to a close. It is always salutary to look back at the predictions made at the end of 2014 and see how came true. By the very nature of disruptive technology innovation turns predictions upside down. 

Of the 22 you'll find in the linked article the one from jeff Vance is rooted in the embedding of analytics in enterprise and ISV applications. No longer is it good enough to create stunning apps with infographics & dashboards with clear insights.

It is vital to deliver analytics in the context of the everyday tasks the vast majority of employees have to complete. To give them the information to make better decisions and execute them effectively. Not a separate tab but as part of what they are using at that point of time. That means as tasks are completed analytics are updated in real-time. Other processes are kicked off.

How many analytics products can also be data entry products like car insurance claims forms? How many analytics products can analyse the claims made online and automatically trigger a request for photographs to be taken via a link on the claimants smartphone and tablet? How many can analyse internal and external data to detect fraud and speed up bona fide claims? How many analytics products can "crowd source inspectors, repairers and visualise progress across all claims. 

The answer is those that embed analytics in core apps like this insurance solution with embedded analytics