Practical tips on getting the right balance between:-
- ensuring the data is complete and correct in order to make the best decisions
- Not taking too long resulting in a late decision
This is a vital task in any organisation- particularity as line-of-business analysts bypass IT and Data warehouses to achieve decision deadlines.
Charles Caldwell brings practical experience to bear on the necessary key tasks.
I wish to add one more aspect; BI and analytics are a means to an end. Leaders of teams, enterprises and public sector organisations have to know what decisions have to be made, why and in what priority. That will then help make sure Charles' practical advice is optimised
It is the much sought after, but frustratingly elusive, holy grail of business intelligence: the ‘single version of the truth’. The sourcing of data, addressing quality issues, integrating disparate sources, enforcing key business rules, curating master data and making sure it all happens consistently within a batch update window so the business has the information it needs to operate, devour many hours of time. There’s validity to allowing analysts to BYOD. Some business decisions can’t wait. For many questions, data that is ‘close enough’ is good enough. But the downside here is twofold:analysts often don’t have the tools they need to efficiently deal with the data. So how do you balance the need for dependable data against the need for decision speed? You need to: Define what correct means Manage the Data Maturity Lifecycle Enable analysts within the process