Matthew Spoke raises vital questions to ask now rather than leave for later. Whilst blockchain can lead to a more efficient future those technology companies that only exist to plug short term gaps may find their current business models undermined or destroyed.
Plan long term strategies to refine the value propositions you take to market and establish solutions more focused on the customer.
depending on the industry and use case, we’ll see 3 different scenarios of how blockchain adoption plays out among enterprise companies, considering these two states: Current, valuable, yet inefficient systems and applications will be reimagined, leveraging blockchain technology to remove unnecessary pain and friction – ie state (1) Systems and applications that currently exist only because of technological shortcomings and inefficiencies, rather than because of a value-add, will look to leverage blockchain technology to avoid irrelevance, but will eventually become redundant – ie state (1) initially, but state (2) as a final outcome New, previously unimagined applications and possibilities will emerge as a result of blockchain technology – ie state (2).