Digital Leader or Digital Laggard? Leaders have a comprehensive data acquisition strategy and practice PLUS business/operations users with up-to-date, relevant and accurate insights.
Insights they are able to use for better decisions making.
Whatever the digital platform you consider, or analytics platform or application- it is a waste without the tools and competence to access complete and accurate data.
Big, medium, small does not matter as long as it is complete for the decisions to be made.
This means these platforms must securely unite both the digital platforms and core systems of record, access data from both and deliver the right metrics to all users that need them.
Data and analytics are obviously key. Leading organizations are more likely to have a comprehensive data acquisition strategy and differentiate themselves from competitors based on their data platform. This difference in strategy means that business users are more likely to have access to a consistent set of up-to-date metrics for decision making, and the organization can generate predictions about their business from data they collect.