The trap of simply trying to improve existing processes.
"Instead of working on separate initiatives inside organizational units, companies have to think holistically about how their operations can contribute to delivering a distinctive customer experience."
Reference: McKinsey Insight "The next-generation operating model for the digital world." March 2017
Start anew and imagine an ideal customer journey- from the customer's viewpoint rather than yours. The reward will be to make a leap to greater competitive advantage over competitors that just want to increase efficiency and reduce costs.
In the Insurance world some insurers get it and others don't. See one that does get it:-
"Allianz harvesting digital dividend"
Then there's the matter of BI and Analytics; too often these are standalone projects that fail to achieve an acceptable ROI. They should be an integral part of the enterprise or public sector organisation's digital transformation. i.e. embedded in the workflows and applications used by personas across the organisation.
For more in this see:-
"Why do so many BI projects fail at the planning stage?"
And follow the McKinsey Insight below for actionable advice on "The next-generation operating model for the digital world".
We often find that companies fall into the trap of simply trying to improve existing processes. Instead, they should focus on entirely reimagining the customer experience, which often reveals opportunities to simplify and streamline journeys and processes that unlock massive value. Concepts from behavioral economics can inform the redesign process in ingenious ways. Examples include astute use of default settings on forms, limiting choice to keep customers from feeling overwhelmed, and paying special attention to the final touch-point in a series, since that’s the one that will be remembered the most.