Adopting the technologies that ensure you comply with the General Data Protection Regulation delivers far more competitive advantage that will help fight disrupters in your market.
YOu will be able to access and analyse data currently hidden in silos, legacy data systems and apps and in the myriad companies you have acquired over time.
Which means you will have breadth and depth of data to access and analyse- a MUST HAVE for machine learning, robotic process automation and AI.
Once you achieve that you will make and execute better decisions. Without it you will fall prey to the digital transformers that are data masters- the Googles and Amazons.
So GDPR should be seen as Project Hope rather than project fear.
A fine for non-compliance for SARs pales into insignificance, against the backdrop of the number of businesses that will simply ‘miss the boat’ when it comes to digital, as research predicts that 33 percent of the top 20 firms in most industries will be disrupted by industry-specific data platforms by 2018. The likes of Amazon, Google, Alibaba, Uber and Airbnb…… the list is already long and growing. All have the capability to join and analyse different data, to give context to customer behaviour, motivation and gain disruptive competitive advantage. But this doesn’t mean that you can’t do the same. And, while you’re at it, GDPR compliance will be tackled at the same time.