Second time in 5 days that I have heard and read about the need to deliver meaning from data rather than insights. Meaning- to make real the value of data which means presenting what it means more as a story than a "message" which more often than not will be ignored.
The authors bring out the Art in big data analytics; the fact data scientists should be as much a part of the humanities as of the sciences.
Stories translate data and information into emotions with which to create empathy. Storytelling makes people care.
Marketing Big Data Analytics should enable marketeers to tell the best stories.
I take no credit for this- I am paraphrasing notes I took from a presentation by Anthony Tasgal "Putting the Art back in Marketing". See his work and book @TaswellHill
A large part of your job is going to be telling others (in laymen’s terms) what your data means for them. You can practice this by talking to less tech-savvy friends, starting a blog, and finding any platform available to discuss your findings. The more you practice, the more you’ll be able to express yourself in ways that normal people can understand.